Alchemy 101: Potions, Decoctions, And Weapon Oils.How to Ensure You Get The Best Story Experience.To better track down your desired subject of interest, click from the table of contents below. Below you can find advice about combat, crafting, leveling up, and more. To help you better grasp how to play The Witcher 3, we’ve gathered essential wisdom and tips about the game’s most significant systems. You're not alone-properly playing this game is no easy feat. If you’re picking up the game for the first time on Nintendo Switch, then don’t worry if you feel a bit lost during the game’s opening hours. Similar games could include the Elder Scrolls series, but they’re not as fully fleshed out as Wild Hunt is.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an enormous action-RPG with a massive world packed with tons of challenging, fun quests to complete and a variety of complex mechanics to wrap your head around. Witcher 3 is a phenomenal game and is difficult to measure up to. It’s also available on Playstation and Xbox. This game requires Windows 7 64-bit or above to run. That’s something you don’t see in many games. You’ll find plenty of missions with rich character development and quests that are just as interesting as the main story. The narrative is just as deep as the world is. You can undertake sidequests to find even better gear. The customization could use a bit more control, but you’ll find plenty of weapons and armor scattered across Velen and Skellige to improve your damage and health. You might have to make use of potions or oils to win some fights, but the toe-to-toe swordplay is fantastic. Combat is responsive, but can get a little involved if you’re fighting more difficult monsters. Streets are bustling at day, parties begin at sundown, and towns go silent in the evening. The design of each village and city is well thought out and detailed, teeming with life that moves to a rhythm. Even on low settings, Wild Hunt looks stunning. There’s so much that’s impressive about this game, but let’s start with the visuals. You won’t run out of quests any time soon. The world is expansive and rich with detail. Geralt of Rivia returns in the third Witcher game. Wild Hunt is one of the most visually stunning and engaging games ever built. CD Projekt Red brings you an incredible experience.