Forge of empires football event, production buildings
Forge of empires football event, production buildings

forge of empires football event, production buildings

What it will do is if you built your Level 8 Event building in Iron Age (IA) and your city is now in High Middle Ages (HMA), a One-Up kit will advance your Level 8 building up one age to produce resources from Early Middle Ages (EMA).

forge of empires football event, production buildings

A One-Up kit will move an existing event building up one age, not upgrade an Event building to the next level.įor instance if there is an Event building that when fully upgraded is 10 levels, but during the event you were only able to build it up to level 8, a One-Up kit will not bring it to level 9. A One-Up kit is not the same as an Event building Upgrade kit. Terracotta Army (Virtual Future - It's not bad, just expensive for a young city if you intend to level up past Lvl 10.Click to expand.You may know this already, but let me clarify this statement in case you don't.

forge of empires football event, production buildings

It's fun to play with, but probably more useful as a tool to get through the most difficult fights of Guild Expedition and the Campaign Map than it is a consistent help) The Virgo Project (Space Age Mars - the consensus on this is there's not enough charges to be of use to most players.So it may have some decent mileage if you're able to time its use to provinces where you have limited or no Siege Camp support) The Kraken by Lvl 67 would provide 23 charges. However, without the Kraken I'm getting roughly 40 attrition in. Kraken (Oceanic Future - due to the limited charges it has dropped in popularity over time.I definitely don't need an Alcatraz at all even with a fighting focus due to how I've set up my city, but it's a massive boost to a brand new city and probably would be worth you getting just to boost your unit production) Definitely way more useful to a newbie than it will be to a experienced player, also if you ever get into GvG then you'll have a much higher need for Units. Alcatraz (Progressive Era - Unit production.Other related buildings that's worth looking into so you can decide for yourself which ones aren't worth your time and which ones to get when: Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future - Personally I'd get this after the above are at Level 10, but if you already have 90/90 boosts from event buildings you can always get this earlier as it scales based on the boosts you have on everything else).Cathedral of Aachen (Early Middle Ages).Ok so Great Buidings I would recommend you work on specifically for fighting:

Forge of empires football event, production buildings