Confirm that you would like assistance by clicking Invite Host. Click Ask for Help in the meeting controls. If you click Ask for Help, it will notify the meeting host that you need assistance and they will be asked to join your breakout room. Repeat as necessary to join other breakout rooms, or click Leave Room to return to the main session. Hover your pointer over the number to the right of breakout room you wish to join, click Join, then confirm by clicking Join. Note: The Expand All and Collapse All options require version 5.9.6 or higher. (Optional) Click Expand All to expand all available rooms and see which participants are in that particular room. This will display the list of open breakout rooms created by the host. Click Breakout Rooms in your meeting controls. The host will need to facilitate moving these participants manually. Note: Participants not joined with the desktop or mobile app (version 5.3.0 or higher) will not be able to self-select a breakout room. They will be able to enter and leave breakout rooms freely. If the host has allowed participants to self-select and join breakout rooms of their choosing, participants will be able to view and select from a list of breakout rooms the host has created. You will have access to full controls similar to the meeting. If you choose Later, you can join by clicking Breakout Rooms in your meeting controls. The host will need to invite you to join the breakout room.
The host and co-host can move between any breakout rooms.Only the host or co-host joined with the desktop client can assign participants to breakout rooms.Users joined into the Zoom meeting from the following platforms can be assigned to and participate in breakout rooms:.Zoom mobile app for Android or iOS: Global minimum version or higher.
Zoom desktop client for Windows, macOS, or Linux: Global minimum version or higher.Invitation to join breakout rooms from the meeting host.Prerequisites for participating in meeting breakout rooms Webinar attendees can also join breakout rooms. Breakout rooms can be used for collaboration and discussion of the meeting, with automated and translated captioning available to facilitate discussions.
They allow the participants to meet in smaller groups, and are completely isolated in terms of audio and video from the main session. Breakout rooms are sessions that are split off from the main Zoom meeting.